Telah Terbit: Dystopian Disffraction: Reconsidering Image Making After Photography

Editor: Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri, Deden Hendan Durahman, Danuh Tyas Pradipta, Henrycus Napitsunargo

Keynot Speaker: Asmudjo J. Irianto, Brian Arnold, Ella Whateley, Sabrina Asche

Penerbit: ITB Press

ISBN: 978-623-297-368-8
e-ISBN: 978-623-297-369-5 (PDF)


Step into the vibrant Bandung Photography Triennale 2022 world, featuring speakers Drs. Asmudjo Jono Irianto, Dr. Ella Whateley, Brian Arnold, and Sabrina Asche. From the grand inauguration at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space to diverse exhibitions and workshops, this convergence of 35 artists from 13 nations is the zenith of collective endeavor.

Amidst Bandung’s cultural richness, nurtured by BPT & ITB’s embrace, this event amplifies the transformative essence of art beyond the visual. The radiant intellects of our speakers promise innovative ideas and a journey of artistic awakening.

Explore the dynamic interplay between art, market, and thought as the Bandung Photography Triennale transcends borders, delving into Indonesian art photography. Photography, reflecting our relationship with the environment, weaves narratives, compelling reflection, and igniting action. Today’s discourse aspires to harness art’s transformative might, fostering empathy for catalytic change.

Within this interplay, photography navigates the balance between elitism and commercialism. Join the discourse as the Triennale reshapes the narrative, echoing David Levi Strauss on photography’s duality – illusion and revelation. Let the discussions resonate beyond walls as we immerse ourselves in this transformative journey, embracing the collective path toward artistic enlightenment.

Ukuran(23 x 21cm)

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